Sunday, November 2, 2008

even more illegal sf downhill '08

I should've taken a hint from the heavy all-day rain on Saturday that kept me taking breaks from my work to sweep standing water out of the roll-up door... the clowns in cyclecide like to say, 'too dumb to die' -I think I'm just too dumb to not do things the hard way. Soggy welding aside, I swapped out the old taco-tires for some bomb-proof wheel-chair issue rollers that I modified to take the existing mountain bike disc brakes, getting the cart together to roll again in the 11th hour (just like last year.)
So when Shul and I finally made it to Bernal, we were pretty surprised to find the uniformed welcoming committee.
I kinda knew that we wouldn't just go home after all that hype and hard work... SF is a town of hills, right? So, not too long afterward, a sampling of racers reconviened at another tried & true downhill location (this one in Potrero Hill) and tested gravity in all our illegal glory.
The shopping cart veteran made it down about 4 times before the 'bomb-proof' wheels lost their rubber, ground down the plastic rims, and seized up with the spokes locked into the brake calipers. Perfect.

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